NOTA DEL BLOG: Sintesis en Español hasta abajo
This is the link to that Website BLOGdelNARCO
Some people said she tying to sell her book 19.95 ........your are the best judge..........I only hang this on my blog
This is the link to that Website BLOGdelNARCO
Some people said she tying to sell her book 19.95 ........your are the best judge..........I only hang this on my blog
Blog del Narco: author who chronicled Mexico's drugs war forced to flee
'He said 'run',
then hung up' – woman behind must-read blog tells how colleague's disappearance
meant she had to escape

More than 70,000 people have died in the
past six years, including dozens of journalists, as cartels battle each other
and police. Photograph: Eric Thayer/Reuters
The author of a pioneering
blog about Mexico's drug war has said
that she has fled the country and that her blog partner has gone missing.
The young woman, using her pseudonym Lucy, said her colleague phoned her last week to say a single word – "run" – and then vanished, prompting her to flee to the United States and then Spain.
"I'm trying to think positively but I'm scared something terrible has happened. 'Run' was our codeword for when something was very wrong. We had never used it before."
Blog del Narco is an internet sensation which has chronicled Mexico's drug war with graphic images and shocking stories few others dare show. It has been a must-read for authorities, drug gangs and millions of ordinary people.
The anonymous author was a mystery until last month when she revealed to the Guardian and Texas Observer she was a woman, not a man as previously assumed, and that with her colleague she had written a book, Dying for the Truth: Undercover Inside Mexico's Violent Drug War.
The young woman, using her pseudonym Lucy, said her colleague phoned her last week to say a single word – "run" – and then vanished, prompting her to flee to the United States and then Spain.
"I'm trying to think positively but I'm scared something terrible has happened. 'Run' was our codeword for when something was very wrong. We had never used it before."
Blog del Narco is an internet sensation which has chronicled Mexico's drug war with graphic images and shocking stories few others dare show. It has been a must-read for authorities, drug gangs and millions of ordinary people.
The anonymous author was a mystery until last month when she revealed to the Guardian and Texas Observer she was a woman, not a man as previously assumed, and that with her colleague she had written a book, Dying for the Truth: Undercover Inside Mexico's Violent Drug War.

The revelation caused a stir but the duo continued as normal, Lucy, a
journalist, writing and editing the site and her partner, a male friend aged 27
who lived in a different city in northern Mexico, managing the technical
On 5 May he phoned her. "He just said 'run'. Then hung up. It was our code
word for extreme situations, our last resort, but until then we had never used
it. I called him back but there was no answer. I emailed him, tried Skype and
WhatsApp, but nothing. Nothing."
Lucy, speaking to the Guardian via Skype this week, cried several times. She
said she was speaking from an undisclosed location in Spain and that she was
alone, lonely and frightened.
Her account could not be independently verified but a US-based intermediary
who is also in contact with Lucy backed up her story. Adam Parfrey, head of the
Washington-based publisher Feral House, which published Dying for the Truth,
said he was not in direct contact with the authors but had heard a rumour one
had disappeared. "I hope it's not true."
Lucy said that after receiving the phone call she immediately moved to
another part of her home city, in northern Mexico, and prepared to flee. She
sold some of her great-grandmother's jewellery, took a bus to the border and
legally entered the US on foot. "I had all the correct papers." Hours later she
was on a flight to Spain, she said. "It's further away. It feels safer."
She has not posted on the blog since 3 May, she said, but technical issues
related to previous cyber-attacks meant it appeared on the site on 8 May. She
has no immediate plans to resume blogging.
She is in a boarding house and has enough money to last a few months, she
said, but has no friends or contacts in Spain.
Her biggest fear is she will see her colleague appear on a video of the type
that frequently appeared on their blog: battered, interrogated, gazing into the
camera, knowing a terrible fate awaits. Some victims have been tortured and
beheaded on camera. "I don't want to think the worst but I can't help it."
More than 70,000 people have died in the past six years, including dozens of
journalists, as cartels battle each other and state forces. Tens of thousands
more have vanished.
Blog del Narco helped fill a vacuum left by cowed mainstream media
organisations which often could not report roadblocks, shootouts and
Over time it acquired multiple sources, including drug gangs, and drew more
than 3m hits monthly. It provided bulletins, pictures and video of abductions,
shootouts, executions and the discovery of bodies as well as severed human
heads, limbs and torsos.
Some critics said it provided a platform to cartels, others complained the
blog cut and pasted reports from other sources without attribution.
The site has come under repeated cyber-attack – the government was more
aggressive than narcos in this regard, Lucy said. The biggest risk was being
identified and abducted, either by narcos or government forces who have been
accused of multiple abuses.
A young couple who contributed material to the blog was abducted, tortured
and disembowelled in 2011 in the state of Tamaulipas. A sign next to the bodies
said bloggers were next. A few days later, another contributor was killed. A
keyboard, mouse and sign mentioning the blog were strewn over the corpse.
In a visit to Mexico City
earlier this month President Barack Obama focused on economic potential, echoing
the upbeat rhetoric of Mexico's new president, Enrique Pena Nieto. Lucy said
some good things were indeed happening but that the leaders played down violence
and narco-trafficing. "These are primordial issues."
ESPAÑOL: Sintesis via Proceso
El nuevo libro del Blog del Narco.
MÉXICO, D.F. ( “Lucy”, la creadora del Blog del Narco,
abandonó México, de acuerdo con información publicada esta noche por el diario
inglés The Guardian.
De acuerdo con la publicación, el 5 de mayo “Lucy” recibió una llamada de su
compañero donde le dijo “Run” (corre).
“Él dijo ‘Run’. Luego colgó el teléfono. Era nuestra palabra clave en situaciones extremas, nuestro último recurso, pero nunca la habíamos utilizado. Lo llamé de vuelta, pero no hubo respuesta. Le envié mensajes por Skype y WhatsApp, pero nada. Nada”, dijo la joven bloguera en una entrevista telefónica con Rory Carroll, el reportero que dio a conocer la “identidad” de la autora del libro Morir por la verdad.
“Lucy, en declaraciones a The Guardian a través de Skype esta semana, gritó varias veces. Ella dijo que estaba en un lugar desconocido en España y que estaba sola y asustada”, dice The Guardian.
Después de recibir la llamada, el diario británico narra la huida de “Lucy”:
“Ella vendió algunas de las joyas de su bisabuela, tomó un autobús hacia la frontera y entró legalmente en los Estados Unidos a pie. ‘Yo tenía todos los papeles correctos’. Horas después estaba en un vuelo a España, dijo. ‘Es más lejos. Se siente más seguro’”.
El Blog del Narco –sitio en internet que difunde imágenes e historias de la violencia derivada de la guerra de las drogas en México– se encuentra sin publicaciones nuevas desde el 3 de mayo.
“Él dijo ‘Run’. Luego colgó el teléfono. Era nuestra palabra clave en situaciones extremas, nuestro último recurso, pero nunca la habíamos utilizado. Lo llamé de vuelta, pero no hubo respuesta. Le envié mensajes por Skype y WhatsApp, pero nada. Nada”, dijo la joven bloguera en una entrevista telefónica con Rory Carroll, el reportero que dio a conocer la “identidad” de la autora del libro Morir por la verdad.
“Lucy, en declaraciones a The Guardian a través de Skype esta semana, gritó varias veces. Ella dijo que estaba en un lugar desconocido en España y que estaba sola y asustada”, dice The Guardian.
Después de recibir la llamada, el diario británico narra la huida de “Lucy”:
“Ella vendió algunas de las joyas de su bisabuela, tomó un autobús hacia la frontera y entró legalmente en los Estados Unidos a pie. ‘Yo tenía todos los papeles correctos’. Horas después estaba en un vuelo a España, dijo. ‘Es más lejos. Se siente más seguro’”.
El Blog del Narco –sitio en internet que difunde imágenes e historias de la violencia derivada de la guerra de las drogas en México– se encuentra sin publicaciones nuevas desde el 3 de mayo.
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